10 Educational Benefits

10 Educational Benefits for Visiting an Aquarium by Monica Atkins 5 Comments “Every time you dive, you hope you’ll see something new – some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn’t.” – James...

The Real Science Behind...

(Disclaimer: We do not have a Megalodon at the aquarium 😉 )       As The Meg hits theaters, dive into what we really know about this chompy predator By Katherine J. Wu Apparently, this dead horse still needs beating: The...

Kangaroos Are Lefties, and...

The discovery strengthens the case that upright posture drove the evolution of dominant hands in humans By Devin Powell   If you ever find yourself in a boxing match with a kangaroo, watch out for its left hook. A Russian biologist...

Improve Your Health, Visit...

Research has been done comparing control groups to those exposed to aquaria. Benefits have included reports of decreased stress, increase in relaxation, reduced anxiety, decreased aggressive behaviors and improved eating behaviors and...

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